Organic search is a great way to earn traffic for your blog. It is an essential part of search engine marketing, and you need to improve your posts to help upsurge the ranks of your blog. But do you know how to optimise your blog posts to make it SEO friendly? The truth is many website owners fail to take advantage of this massive marketing potential. According to researches, about 65% of the website owners that have blog hasn’t even updated during the past year. By providing relevant, fresh and informative blog posts, you can take many benefits of blogging. Here are a few effective ways suggested by the experts from SEO Sydney Solutions to improve website’s organic visibility and traffic.
- Good Blog Design – Do you know it is important to build a good blog design to help with your search engine rankings? Here are a few suggestions from the experts in SEO Sydney Solutions to arrive at a good blog design –
- Keep your important content on the top. Most researches have shown that internet users spend 80% of their time on the content above the fold. Avoid using sliders, as it might confuse the users. Even if you use sliders, make sure what your user wants to see or do after arriving at your website/Blog.
- Google recommends you limit the number of links to less than 100. If you have more than 100 links, Google might see your website as a spam.
- Create hub page of your best content. Classify the content based on topic, and link them to a single page.
- When it comes to website speed, problems can pile up, and reduce the number of searches by 50%. So, get the help of best SEO services Sydney to fix your page speed.
- Optimise the images.
- Optimise Your Blog Posts For Organic Searches – Create your blog posts to suit your target audience and communicate to the search engines, so that they can serve as results to the targeted audience. Here are a few steps to optimise your blog posts –
- Write about trending topics and answer the common questions related to your industry. Carry out keyword research to understand what your audience is searching on the search engines.
- For your content to be outstanding, make sure that the title stays appealing. It should be enticing them to want to click.
- Optimise the URL structure with keywords, use lowercase letters and dashes in place of underscores.
- Write the META description, to entice the audience interest. Make use of the focus keyword in the description.
- Create Quality Content – For this, visit the popular blogs in your industry and create a good list of blogs to use, especially the blogs that bring out Trackbacks. Now that you know which contents are preferred by the audience, create better contents than the popular blog posts that add value. It might take some time, but it is worth the effort. You can get the help of SEO company Sydney Australia, to create informative and unique content to entice your audience.
Hopefully these tips will help you optimise your blog posts and improve the SEO results for your website.