Top 8 SEO Strategies to Implement in 2019

You need to first understand the three key elements of SEO before undertaking any approach you might have in mind for effective SEO marketing in the upcoming year.

The three crucial factors according to SEO experts upon which your success in internet marketing is based include:


This has to do with the quantity and value of links you have so far built. Authority can be assessed using tools available online. These two companies measure the level of authority a website has using The Domain Score (DS) and Domain Authority (DA). A website’s level of authority will determine how much of links it can pass on.


A website’s content is very important in its ranking. The days of creating low-quality content by using content spinning software are over. In the upcoming years, your content must be top notch, and highly engaging enough to enrich your website visitors.  A well engaging content gets to be shared by several internet users; this will, in turn, improve your ranking.

Index Age

Index age means the date your site or the content was discovered by Google. Age is very crucial to the success of your site SEO. At the initial stage, you have to establish a worthy track record with your domain content and the link quality which refers to the content.

Now, here are eight crucial factors that SEO experts suggest to implement:

  1. Evaluate the Speed of Your Page for Necessary Upgrading: This can be done using various tools available online.
  2. Make Use of DNS and CDN for Your Domain: Using these tools make your contents to be served speedily to the user regardless of their location.
  3. Create Value-added Contents: Be committed to creating highly enriched contents, this will improve the quality of your site. Be sure your contents are not too long or boring, Make it easy to read, and post quality images relevant to the content in the image section. Use right keywords, but be sure you don’t overuse the keywords.
  4. Make Sure Your Website is Easy to Access on Different Mobile Devices: Most users access the internet on their mobile more than desktop. Make use of readily-available or customised CSS to enhance your site for mobile devices.
  5. Improve Your Contents Audios, Podcasts, and Videos: This will add to the level of your users’ engagement on your site, how long users spend on a website is an advantage to its SEO ranking.
  6. Use LSI – Latex-Semantic Indexing: This is a keyword variety which allows Google to understand user searches on the internet even when the exact keywords are not used. You can use different keywords with the same meaning.
  7. Use LinkedIn, Medium, Quora, and Other Trusted and Popular Domains: To market your contents, publish on these websites and add the link to the original content on your site.
  8. Contact Influencers: Lobby influencers in your niche on social media to help amplify your contents and site for more audience. You can hire an SEO specialist to help you with this process.

Having the full grasp of what SEO entails is undoubtedly not a day’s job, it requires time and study.  Google has hundreds of rules guiding its algorithm, and it can be so complicated sometimes. However, if you desire to be on top of your game, then hiring SEO consultants Sydney is the best way to kick start your online marketing.


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